a Positive Turn

There were those initial days... like when Id first joined in a job, when thinking of going to pizza hut or any of those outlets was expensive. Driving to office was a big NO. and Autos were simply expensive. Shopping only once a year and that too just the bare necessities. Splurging was unthinkable.

Now a days.. I jus dont recognize myself.
I hangout @Pizza Huts, Coffee Days where on an average the bill comes to 300 bucks. (Id have fainted at the thought a couple of years ago) I shop to ease my mind at times. I drive a LOT adding to the pollution (not the traffic, I drive on deserted roads).

And well it shows. Its hard to get rid of those calories.

Thankfully, I still havent lost the habit of walking to ease my mind at times. I walk a lot, and most of my frens hate me for it. I force most to walk while catching up.

Couple of changes this year.
-No more eating out @Pizza Hut's.. Ive found the best replacement I could for hangouts and eatouts. IDLI!!! If at all its eating out I stick to Idlis. No rice absolutely.
-Walking when I cant get something out of my head. It keeps me focussed on the road instead of downing a coke and a pizza and just gossiping with frens.
-Water my tonic to revitalize. Ive rediscovered its benefits. I religiously drink at least a bottle a day.

n' Driving... naaah. Thats one I cant kick. But Ive reduced. I dont drive out often. And taking an auto to any place is simply out of question.
Bought an mp3 player and I make it a point to walk to nearest bus stop and wait for the bus.

Healthy times ahead.


Anonymous said...

Hmm thats a nice turn in your life you wont regret. I used to walk and lots of sports when i was at initial days at career or in college but now work has taken it toll on me wishing to get out of it and time management is my next thought managing career+personal+financial equally seems to be the rule

Anonymous said...

From Pizza Hut to Idli? That's a major transition! You are thinking of calories? haven't you seen those fat people around? They all look so happy. :-)

Good positive turn though....