Nice One!!!
He who condemns himself, day and night, as petty and weak can never accomplish anything. He who thinks that he is luckless and low, thereby becomes luckless and low. Instead, when you cultivate the awareness that you are a spark of God, that you have as your reality Divinity Itself, you can become really Divine, and you can have command over all powers. “As you feel, so you become”. It is how you feel that matters most. That is the basis for all that you are. Have faith in the Atma, the Self. This is a must for every person. In its absence, man is being reduced to a monster, reveling in vice and wickedness. Your forefathers achieved prosperity, peace and joy, and succeeded in attaining their goals through that faith alone. When people lose that faith, they are certain to fall. For, that faith is the very breath of life.