A good one on Friendship
What is true friendship?
Friendship should not be based on considerations of fear and favour. You try to be friendly with a person who is in authority and power out of fear; or with an affluent and wealthy person in the hope of gaining some personal benefits. Wealth and status being temporary, our friendships will also turn out to be of a transitory nature. If a person is adopting wrong ways, a true friend should not be afraid of pointing out the errors of their freind, with a view to improving them. It is not enough to merely share joy with each other; but it is more important to share the sorrow with each other. Sacred friendship is that which enables one to help others, at all times, and in all circumstances.
>>Which makes me rethink about the "friendship" i share with a lot of persons i know.
And fortunately I do have people around who call a spade a spade.... no matter what. There is hope!! :)