I was just reading a blog - http://cultureswithin.blogspot.com/2008/01/my-ras.html
Reticular Activating System or RAS for short.
Gave it a try and yes it works.
I thought about what would be my top aspects in my dream job. Listed em out and 'wished' for one.
And you wont believe it, but I got a call from a firm offering me a position with some of the aspects. And got a second job offer with some of the aspects id listed out. Weird!!!
Try it does work.
My guess is, Id shortlisted all my likes and focussed on them. So when any events happen Im more likely to spot what I want because my mind has already focussed on it.
And oh yes having lots of fun with this RAS. Trying to get a meeting postponed with RAS. Lets see if this works.