A while ago, Id blogged on Happiness.
In response to the blog a fren commented on Journaling. What follows is an excerpt of a mail from a fren.
I can cover everything I can think of about Journaling. It's nothing novel. It's just what people do when they say they write in a diary. But Journaling is more to do with being honest and not to share that book with anyone. I usually don't revise anything I write unless I got some gems in there. So this is what you do..
1. Buy a nice/pretty notebook or just use a regular one. I usually get inspired by the book. So I have a fancy one.
2. When you get up in the morning, after you get freshned up - just sit down in a quiet place and write 3 pages. The minimum is 3 pages/3 sides but you can write as much as you want. You basically need to write anything that comes to mind. Don't judge. Don't write it for someone. Just dump anything that comes to your mind.
3. As this goes on for few days you will have a lot to write. Over a period of time you will hit the core feelings, thoughts, thinking patterns inside your mind. Then you would experience something like 'aha' experience.
4. Be consistent. You can write as many times you want to in a day, but you must make sure this is the first thing you do in the morning.
5. Enjoy writing it. It may be painful/helpful based upon what kind of feelings you are botching there.
6. It's kinda different from Blog because here the audience is only one - you.
7. You can write it as a letter to someone too. My wife does that. She writes it as a letter to Swami. But I can't do that because if I refer to Swami then I get this bad feeling in my stomach that He is watching me and I am doing something wrong and this prevents me from being honest in my writing. So I just write to no one. Just a brain dump.