Whats Grey?
Whats grey? Is it a misconstrued version of a persons view of Good. Black as a pretence to be white?
(n' please there isnt any racist intent. black could be good n white bad... jus tht over here ive used the reverse. call it old habits die hard!!)
How many times have we acted with the thought of "its for the greater good"?
Is hurting someone to please everyone Good?
Whatever maybe the situation its either Yes or a No.
Good or Bad...
You choose to make the choice and face the consequences as well!!!
Theres no Grey in between and I appreciate people who say it outright!! These people know what they really are , they take responsibility for their actions. As opposed to people who "sacrifice for the greater good and thought of the broader picture" and excuse themselves of any responsibility. They will run from any in future ... always.. its a pattern.
Despise anyone pretending to act sweet and doing 'good' .