What follows are my comments on the following post.
Whats cooking in my Mind
A disclaimer; these are mine and mine and only mine... and they tend to change. So, dont work yourself up on any of it. You are against any of em , you are welcome to leave your comments.
That was nice post and an eye opener that there are some poeple out there who think we yoga eday!!
Well lets start, I think we as Indians tend to under write ourselves. We dont flaunt our wisdom in Ayurveda, our expertise in Mathematics and various other fields. And to make matters worse is our ever criticizing media out there. They dont waste a chance in berating .. why we didnt win enough medals in the olympics, why we have godra happening ... blah blah theres no end there!!
Has anyone noticed that
>>The world champion in chess is an Indian.
>>We had a muslim president, sikh prime ministers - all minorities.
>>We inventted the number system.
>>We are at the fore front in the software field.
We have some of the best brains in the world.
We Indians have high levels of tolerence. Which else country in the world do you so many religions openly practised? and dont overlook the fact that India is the second most populous country in the world. So many people tolerating each other is something we should be immensely proud of!!
Yes, there are unfortunate incidents happening.
Orissa was waiting to happen. And having some politicians ( who ought to be behind bars) doesnt help. All they need is a mere misunderstanding among neighbours to burn the entire town!!!
For a cchange lets not keep thinking about what the country did for us and do something for the country.
For starters lets vote. :D
Have you registered???
Whan have I ever religiously stuck to one idea while writing???