
Am bloging this after one of those low moments.

I feel happy when
-I buy a gadget.
-theres a new dress.
-the weighing machine shows an 1/2 kg less.
-a luved one calls.

Actually there were a lot others ... talking on the phone to a couple of frens, the satisfaction after ive completed a book, reading comics, chandamma............... not any more!!!

Dont trust people as I used to.
Am turning out to be a maniac.... actually am already one.
Watch Out!!!

Am still in quest for my lost self. Hoping good times come!!!
My instant solution... am going out for a drive. hmmm today am going to see how far out of hyd I can make it alone.
PEace be to all...... see I told you am gone bonkers. I did warn.


Akbar Pasha said...

I know that it might not be my place to give an advice to you (as I know I ain't perfect) - but since I used to go for long drives(in the past) to clear my mind off, I thought I would drop in few words.
I don't know whether you do journaling or not, but you should try it if you haven't. I can give more details if you want, but Journaling is such an amazing tool to exactly process the feelings, moods and thoughts we go through. A lot of confusion in our lives comes from not knowing what we want (we always know what we DONT want). So, journaling is a great help there to clear the mind off. What more you can save on petrol for you car. :-)

Anonymous said...

Sometimes when you meet ppl who know what they exactly want ur hopes will be revived and life is such a beautiful thing and most of us knowing the true value would have lost everything. When we gauge what we have and wht no betweek have and have nots there is nothing much u will find the reason is happyness. And one is happy being strong within himself having trust that he can reach the goals and make something out of the life which at the moment seems no one is interested and left alone. I believe what you need is inspiration and trust and a loving hand and angel may be to show you how important you are.