Decluttering -2

The problem with decluttering is, when it comes to making a crucial decision like to keep a post or not; I think each and everyone Is relevant. Was reading the old ones and all the memories that are attached came rushing back. Some, I still remember the anger I felt when people waste food, I get sad and senti with those lonely morose ones Id written in December.

Each and everyone of them are tied up to something that moved me so much that I had to write about it. Just so that I don’t go crazy keeping it pent up in me.

So the first ones to go are the Rants. Come on who wants to unneceraiily burst a nerve?


Ive recently realised that I don’t let go very easily. Be it books, clothes, letters, cards, frens, grudges, even enemies Just about anything that has a memory attached even if it’s those very old chats, mails, scraps, pebbles, .. the list is endless.

Well, I did a long time ago but didn’t have it in me to go ahead.

So now starting with the posts in the blog am going to shred each and every that’s irrelevant.

People who know me well wont be surprised If I don’t delete a single post.

So,… lets start hacking away.

the Cream one

It’s a dull cream one with slits on the sleeves and id bought it on a sale and well at the behest of a fren. And god forbid I paired it with a bottle green jeans. Come’on who wears a bottle green jeans?

Anyways its being lying around for the past four years . Finally, today got it out, dusted it and wore it to the office. The problem with fashion is it gets outdated. Your tastes change and the slits on the sleeves which were once so cool are now irritating. Irritating so much so that In a fit of rage I tugged at the sleeve and it tore.

Yep, it tore in the office which left me with no option but to tear the other one too and fold em. How cool is that. Now Ive got a brand new cream top, with smart sleeves. :)

Guess Ive to take a look at all the other outdated clothes in my wardrobe.


What is it to be wild?
How does it feel to think independently, totally unblemished by society.

if being Wild is doing what you want
if being wild is thoughts untarnished
if being wild is acting on instinct

Then perhaps all children ought to be brought up wild, run wild. think wild.

Children brought up so purely, not corrupted by religion, by manners, by being nice to everyone.
Thats the way and the only way for a future utopian society.