
Yes ... there are some good samaritans around!!!
Was driving back home on Sat night @12.00. The traffic lights dont work at this time, most people drive with the least regard for any rules. Empty roads, absolutely no traffic who would miss a chance. Anyway was driving home and taking the right near Stanza @Himayatnagar. Saw a truck and ignored that he was speeding and honking too. Thought since thats a bigger vehicle he d slow down and I wouldnt have to slow down. Donno who in their right minds would think of bigger vehicles giving way for smaller ones. My Maruti800 is such a teeny weeny vehicle compared to the hugs truck. And all I had to do after going home was sleep. God knows why I was in such a hurry!!!!! and NO I was NOT drunk.

The truckwalla didnt slow down and I had a narrow escape. Hit the brakes on time and just missed ending up under the trucks tyres. There were a couple of guys around and they did help me in getting the car to a corner and talking the driver into giving some amount as compensation just so that it wouldnt become a police case. And yes they fixed my car too!!! Guess a first Aid. Luckily nothing drastic to both me nor the vehicle. I could nt believe people actually help and care!!! Unfortunately, me still dazed I didnt ask them their names so that I could thank them. Good Samaritans do exist!!! My faith in mankind rekindled.
Called a fren of mine. Funny part was I was joking with a fren that I was in an accident and in a hospital a couple hours before this happened. Well, Is that funny?? not to my freind though. My first reaction to my fren .. I couldnt stop laughing!! Is this whats called shock? still around kicking and healthy and my car in ship shape with all the denting work done. Looks even better than before the accident.

Love n Hate

Everything is fair in Love and War. Is it so?
It gets really irritating when some people dont understand a firm No.
The very same people who were just short of God Incarnate are now the worst anyone can think of. Out comes the psycho. Sly references to a past best forgotten, black mail... et al. Just so the person can get their way.
Doesnt work. Back to the pleading, begging and crying...this too doesnt work. A vicious circle of torture.
It takes immense power, self confidence and ofcourse Love to let go of a person with dignity.

Not many gentlle men around!!

Well... thats the best way I could write keeping the persons int he dark and maintaining the anonymity.

a Positive Turn

There were those initial days... like when Id first joined in a job, when thinking of going to pizza hut or any of those outlets was expensive. Driving to office was a big NO. and Autos were simply expensive. Shopping only once a year and that too just the bare necessities. Splurging was unthinkable.

Now a days.. I jus dont recognize myself.
I hangout @Pizza Huts, Coffee Days where on an average the bill comes to 300 bucks. (Id have fainted at the thought a couple of years ago) I shop to ease my mind at times. I drive a LOT adding to the pollution (not the traffic, I drive on deserted roads).

And well it shows. Its hard to get rid of those calories.

Thankfully, I still havent lost the habit of walking to ease my mind at times. I walk a lot, and most of my frens hate me for it. I force most to walk while catching up.

Couple of changes this year.
-No more eating out @Pizza Hut's.. Ive found the best replacement I could for hangouts and eatouts. IDLI!!! If at all its eating out I stick to Idlis. No rice absolutely.
-Walking when I cant get something out of my head. It keeps me focussed on the road instead of downing a coke and a pizza and just gossiping with frens.
-Water my tonic to revitalize. Ive rediscovered its benefits. I religiously drink at least a bottle a day.

n' Driving... naaah. Thats one I cant kick. But Ive reduced. I dont drive out often. And taking an auto to any place is simply out of question.
Bought an mp3 player and I make it a point to walk to nearest bus stop and wait for the bus.

Healthy times ahead.

Count my blessings

Am fortunate that Ive had a good education. Ive a family to fall back on. Ive a job. Ive a roof over my head. Ive got a wonderful set of friends to fall back on ... no matter what.

So... what am I complaining on....

Thank You God!!!



hehe yeah am finally drinking.....
After, procrastinating for over a year, Ive forced myself finally to start drinking . Don't remember, when Id started to stop drinking. I hardly had a glass in a day and funny how I could still stay healthy.. maybe its those cups of coffee that kept me fine and sane too.

Took a long walk after lunch.. love hitec city.. lots of places where you can go take a walk. nice. Finally a place in Hyd where you can actually walk without being hit by a vehicle.n coming back to drinking...I must thank the office staff here. They religiously put a bottle at the start of the day. And this just reminds me to drink. Well, since Ive resumed to drinking after a long hiatus maybe its going to be a while before I increase it to maybe 5Bottles / day.

No harm in hoping. Just hope I do it. :)

Incase you are wondering whts this fuss about all this drinking... Im refering to Water. hehe

n' Oh yes drinking Water helps and works too. This is from a firm follower of water therapy. Combine this with a good exercise schedule my bet you actually start seeing the results pretty soon. And oh yeah watch out for those endless compliments. :D

my Evil Half

I'm at my evil best. :) (wish there were nice smiley's to insert)

I was at an IT Park today and yesterday too for lunch.I wish I had the entire day at my disposal. Its fun to watch people here. (people watching @VIT in a forthcoming post)
Just could not miss how most people Id seen were on the heavy side. Almost all of them don't ever exercise, eat the most unhealthy stuff there. The canteen boasts of the best food at subsidized rates. Guess, people here binge on food and thats an understatement.

I just couldn't imagine how much people ate. The amount was so much. Id ordered for curd rice and @20 bucks/plate , that was way too much. Three people would have a fulfilling meal with that one plate!!! Its disgusting to see people eating so much and wasting so much as well. It angers me no end to see people pile food and then waste so much. Yes, even eating too much is a waste. You are endangering yourself doing that.

And .oh yes I hardly see anyone walking. People take the elevators as opposed to the stairs. How I wish Id seen people taking walk round the IT park. Yeah they can say that they ve got lots of work n blah blah..... n funny how there isnt a Gym. Am not sure if they have a recreational facility.

What got me thinking on this is after having more than what I can manage for lunch (just so that I dont waste) I happened to see labourers working on a construction and having lunch together. All of them were fit and looked healthy. I guess they were the healthiest in the entire neighbourhood, notwithstanding the fancy stuff IT people flaunt (cars, watches...).

See I told yeah am not in a good mood and the blog is a major way of venting my anger.

Interesting stuff

I was chatting with a fren of mine and he directed me too an interesting site

One topic that got me interested was how people respond to us.
Am a rotten listener. I think a lot and If I get an 'idea' am in a hurry to share it, most often by interrupting the person.

And its worse if its a KT. The person should be highly organized and stick to the schedule. Thats difficult when am on the scene. Chandra was quite exasperated at the end of the KT. I kept interrupting him at a drop of hat for any doubts. Actually I pride myself on my thought process. Its never organized. Just zooms back and forth over lots of functionality, validations, and I keep thinking of loop holes where I can catch a bug. The downside is that you lose track of the functionality thats to be covered. The upside-- its fun, catch the person off track, and yes you do get lots of bugs.

Botttomline its fun my way but a pain for the person giving the KT.

Well, after reading the blog you d be wondering what am aiming at?Thats me.. totally unorganized, haphazard, abrupt(so too with people) n lot many others. :)

New Company

Joined a new company today. And this was my first day here.

The differences so far that Ive seen... Lots of paper work. A process for everything. Everything meticulously documented... phew... there must be lots of documenting here.

My older company had none of this long winding stuff.. you wanted something.. shoot a mail to the concerned person and get it approved within a couple of hours at the max.
Well .. all things and process do have an advantages and their downsides too.

But what I miss so badly is lack of open space, TT table. I sorely miss these two. Smalll tough my last company, we were fortunate to have the entire terrace to ourselves.
Its a pain to have lunch in a small cubicle.

Well.... since the new company will eventually move to their own premises , things should start looking up.

And forgot to mention , what I miss very very much ... its a MAC. Got so used to one , now I eel it a pain to use Outlook, searching for Address Books... lots of stuff that was so simple then.

Looks Matter

A while ago I happened to read a blog where the person had written that Good Looking people were at an advantage. I agree to this only to a part.
Yeah, compared to the rest good looking people have it easy at times.
And when it comes to Love, they are at a disadvatage here. Everyone wants to date and court them. But, when it comes to commitment, majority backout coz things that didnt show up at the start of the relationship matter now. Familys views, Frens views everything matters now.
My view good looking people are at a disadvantage here. Everyone would want to date a hot babe, but noone wants to take her home to show to their moms. :)
Thats life.
Atleast thats what most Indian men are. They have the 'guts' to only court women. But, bring up any sort of a commitment , watch the men run.
If someone were Ugly..
-Not many would court em.. but the only person who comes along loves the person with all their heart and will not bear to let go come what may.

To Remember Me.....

The Day will come when my body will lie upon a white sheet neatly tucked under four corners of a mattress located in a hospital busily occupied with the living and the dying. At a certain moment a doctor will determine that my brain has ceased to function and that, for all intent and purposes, my life has stopped.
When that happens, do not attempt to instill artificial life into my body by the use of a machine.And dont call this my deathbed.Let it be called the Bed of Life, and let my body be taken from it to help others lead fuller lives.
Give my sight to the man who has never seen a sunrise, a baby's face or love in the eyes of a woman.Give my heart to a person whose own heart has caused nothing but endless days of pain.Give my blood to the teenager who was pulled from the wreckage of his car, so that he might live to see his grand - children play.Give my kidneys to one who depends on a machine to exist form week to week.Take my bones, every muscle, every fiber and nerve in my body and find a way to make a crippled child walk.
Explore every corner of my brain.Take my cells, if necessary, and let them grow so that someday, a speechless boy will shout at the crack of a bat and a deaf girl will hear the sound of rain against her window.
Burn what is left of me and scatter the ashes to the winds to help the flowers grow.
If you must bury something, let it be my faults, my weaknesses and all prejudice against my fellow men.
Give my sins to the devil. Give my soul to God.
If, by chance, you wish to remember me, do it with a kind deed or word to someone who needs you.If you do all I have asked, I will live forever and ever and ever.

KISS Principle

Invite everyones views on this principle. ofcourse, please dont GOOGLE for it. Just write in your comments on what it could be.
n' for people who already know what the principle is all about, .... dont spill the beans.