I was just reading a blog - http://cultureswithin.blogspot.com/2008/01/my-ras.html
Reticular Activating System or RAS for short.

Gave it a try and yes it works.
I thought about what would be my top aspects in my dream job. Listed em out and 'wished' for one.
And you wont believe it, but I got a call from a firm offering me a position with some of the aspects. And got a second job offer with some of the aspects id listed out. Weird!!!
Try it does work.

My guess is, Id shortlisted all my likes and focussed on them. So when any events happen Im more likely to spot what I want because my mind has already focussed on it.

And oh yes having lots of fun with this RAS. Trying to get a meeting postponed with RAS. Lets see if this works.


A while ago, I was discussing with a couple of frens on older Generations ... n the stuff.
The talk went like the current generation being pulled between the Older and the Future ones. And the result is a lot of stress, low self esteem (in some case), misunderstanding (in most cases)...

My take...
Change is one thing thats Constant. Notice the paradox?!!
Every generation has their own share of responsibilities as well as flexibilities. The only difference here Flexibility with a Responsibility.
Everyone is responsible for his own destiny using flexibility in right way reaps and wrong suffering.
What is constant all through our attitude, confidence and courage to stand by our decisions.
Signing off with the oft repeated quote ... Destiny favours the courageous.

am Back

Thought of giving a long break.
But with lots of ideas zooming and lots of incidents to write about ... how can I?
For today... was thinking what if I got what I wished. Like even the most impossible of thoughts coming true.
My first reaction.. maybe Id die from the Happiness. :)
Yeah read it right .... Ever heard of anyone Dying from Happiness. Guess that would be my reaction.
Or Id be hospitalized with the Intense Happiness and might even become deranged. Is this whats called Bliss?
Both of the facts seem so contradictory.
Maybe thats the reason I dont get what I wish for.

Think about it. Think about those wishes that might make you so delirious.

Good Bye

Thanks all for the lovely feedback.
This is the last post for a long time to come maybe.

Again thanks for your time and the lovely comments people gave me.
As always have fun n take care.


A while ago, Id blogged on Happiness.
In response to the blog a fren commented on Journaling. What follows is an excerpt of a mail from a fren.

I can cover everything I can think of about Journaling. It's nothing novel. It's just what people do when they say they write in a diary. But Journaling is more to do with being honest and not to share that book with anyone. I usually don't revise anything I write unless I got some gems in there. So this is what you do..

1. Buy a nice/pretty notebook or just use a regular one. I usually get inspired by the book. So I have a fancy one.

2. When you get up in the morning, after you get freshned up - just sit down in a quiet place and write 3 pages. The minimum is 3 pages/3 sides but you can write as much as you want. You basically need to write anything that comes to mind. Don't judge. Don't write it for someone. Just dump anything that comes to your mind.

3. As this goes on for few days you will have a lot to write. Over a period of time you will hit the core feelings, thoughts, thinking patterns inside your mind. Then you would experience something like 'aha' experience.

4. Be consistent. You can write as many times you want to in a day, but you must make sure this is the first thing you do in the morning.

5. Enjoy writing it. It may be painful/helpful based upon what kind of feelings you are botching there.

6. It's kinda different from Blog because here the audience is only one - you.

7. You can write it as a letter to someone too. My wife does that. She writes it as a letter to Swami. But I can't do that because if I refer to Swami then I get this bad feeling in my stomach that He is watching me and I am doing something wrong and this prevents me from being honest in my writing. So I just write to no one. Just a brain dump.

Cool off.....

A driver is pulled over by a policeman. The police man approaches the driver’s door. “Is there a problem Officer?” The policeman says, “Sir, you were speeding. Can I see your licence please?” The driver responds, “I’d give it to you but I don’t have one.” “You don’t have one?” The man responds, “I lost it four times for drink driving.”

The policeman is shocked. “I see. Can I see your vehicle registration papers please?” “I’m sorry, I can’t do that.” The policeman says, “Why not?” “I stole this car.” The officer says, “Stole it?” The man says, “Yes, and I killed the owner.” At this point the officer is getting irate. “You what!?” “She’s in the trunk if you want to see” replied the man.

The Officer looks at the man and slowly backs away to his car and calls for back up. Within minutes five police cars show up, surrounding the car. A senior officer slowly approaches the car, clasping his half drawn gun.

The senior officer says “Sir, could you step out of your vehicle please!” The man steps out of his vehicle. “Is there a problem sir?” asked the man. “One of my officers told me that you have stolen this car and murdered the owner” replied the officer. “Murdered the owner?” asked the man in disbelief.

The officer insists, “Yes, could you please open the trunk of your car?” The man opens the trunk, revealing nothing but empty space. The officer says, “Is this your car sir?” The man says “Yes,” and hands over the registration papers. The officer, understandably, is quite stunned. “One of my officers claims that you do not have a driving licence.”

The man digs in his pocket revealing a wallet and hands it to the officer. The officer opens the wallet and examines the licence. He looks quite puzzled. “Thank you sir, one of my officers told me you didn’t have a licence, stole this car, and murdered the owner.”

The man replies, “I bet you the lying bastard said I was speeding, too!”

Another One.......

A blonde chick found herself sitting next to a lawyer on an airplane. Bored, the lawyer kept bugging the blonde wanting her to play a game of intelligence (lawyers like easy prey). Finally, the lawyer offered her 10 to 1 odds, said every time the blonde could not answer one of his questions she owed him $5, but every time he could not answer hers he’d give her $50.00. The lawyer figured he could not lose, and the blonde reluctantly accepted.

The lawyer first asked, “What is the distance between the Earth and the nearest star?” Without saying a word the blonde handed him $5.

The blonde then asked, “What goes up a hill with 3 legs and comes back down the hill with 4 legs?”

The lawyer looked puzzled. He spent nearly an hour, looking up everything he could on his laptop and even placing numerous air-to-ground phone calls, trying to find the answer. Finally, angry and frustrated, he gave up and paid the blonde $50.00

The blonde put the $50 into her purse without comment, but the lawyer insisted, “What is the answer to your question?”

Without saying a word, the blonde handed him $5.

Post Lunch

After a good lunch (am getting the hang of it. Eating a lot more than what my body can use.)
The previous blog was acidic, aggressive. Well couldn't suppress the spirit.
A bit of gyan for the poor gals.
Why some relationships make it to the altar while the others don't.
I strongly feel all girls are a bit psychic. When two people are making out , those little incidents that escape notice... these are the warning signs that the relationship wont work. He doesn't bother to introduce you to friends. You are basically a secret. Second, You are given a pseudo name on his phone list.
Third, The two of you try to keep the relationship a secret.

I think those are some of the most common and easily spotted 'signs'. Yes, it hurts but at that point I think most girls do know that the relation ship will never be a happy one. They still hang on trying to salvage or make it work. Each time giving their best shots. (I think guys have this way of thinking .. if the relationship doesn't work lets at least have a good time. The end doesn't matter for most guys. Its only the journey thats important and worthwhile... my my I'm turning out to be some pathetic K-serial dialog writer. Guess time for me to send my resume to Ekta Kapoor.)

Well ladies spot anyone of the above 'warnings'... be cautious. Spot all of them... drop it. Walkout, atleast its you who is calling the shots.

Hehehe after all the gyan .... its going to be the same mistakes again. After all falling in love is half the fun. But is it worth the pain?

See... I told yeah am in knots.


Am bloging this after one of those low moments.

I feel happy when
-I buy a gadget.
-theres a new dress.
-the weighing machine shows an 1/2 kg less.
-a luved one calls.

Actually there were a lot others ... talking on the phone to a couple of frens, the satisfaction after ive completed a book, reading comics, chandamma............... not any more!!!

Dont trust people as I used to.
Am turning out to be a maniac.... actually am already one.
Watch Out!!!

Am still in quest for my lost self. Hoping good times come!!!
My instant solution... am going out for a drive. hmmm today am going to see how far out of hyd I can make it alone.
PEace be to all...... see I told you am gone bonkers. I did warn.