
For the past few days am in a disturbed state. So disturbed, that I was in and out of near fatal accidents. Narrowly escaping each of them.
I hate this state. Not being in a state to control and keep your thoughts in check. Not giving my 100% to the work am doing.
The result am always forgetting things. Not to mention the number of times I ve lost my car keys 'n' number of times.
Am irritated sick with my absent minded ness.
And to make matters worse , I carry a huge bag.
So huge that half the time am searching for things I want.
Am an emergency and a memory person. I always hoard each and every thing that has a memory attached and have everything that id need in an emergency. So my now bag has a compact, 2 eye liners (donno why am carrying so many), a cold cream (jus in case it gets cold in hyd), a liquid soap (yeah, n dont laugh), a normal soap, tissues, a note book and no pen (i keep losing a pen), a contact lens holder with no contacts, wallet, a comb, a hair brush, lots of hair clips and rubber bands, lip gloss, ear rings (that I never wear, n lost one of them. So now , I have jus one), keys for which ive lost the locks.

Guess, the time has come for a smaller one.


Anonymous said...

seems u carry a mini store. just kidding. Be simple. Try to be.