New Company

Joined a new company today. And this was my first day here.

The differences so far that Ive seen... Lots of paper work. A process for everything. Everything meticulously documented... phew... there must be lots of documenting here.

My older company had none of this long winding stuff.. you wanted something.. shoot a mail to the concerned person and get it approved within a couple of hours at the max.
Well .. all things and process do have an advantages and their downsides too.

But what I miss so badly is lack of open space, TT table. I sorely miss these two. Smalll tough my last company, we were fortunate to have the entire terrace to ourselves.
Its a pain to have lunch in a small cubicle.

Well.... since the new company will eventually move to their own premises , things should start looking up.

And forgot to mention , what I miss very very much ... its a MAC. Got so used to one , now I eel it a pain to use Outlook, searching for Address Books... lots of stuff that was so simple then.


Unknown said...

:) Rules.. Rules.. Rules.
So.. U R in a BIG company now.
I wish you all the best :)