my Company

This is an ode to my Alma Mater.
Ofcourse corporate companies do not qualify for this. But, effigent has been one for me. Ive learn t as much here.

The first impressions are always the best. My entry into the professional field couldn't have been better. Its more like a school and even the environ, the informal way it functions and how closely knit every one is makes it so.

Maybe being a small company helps. Every employee feels a joint responsibility towards the company. Decisions to be taken need not go through layers of red tape. You have a bright idea, you prove it. You grow quick. Lets say the opportunities to grow are more. More challenges. You are pushed to your limits.

New technologies are experimented. In short you are your own master. n yea how many companies of this size are on Mac OS. not many. Actually none.

The first day here was fun. The initial days as an inquisitive trainee, where you lap up what you are thought, you explore new avenues(exposure to Mac, which not many people have). Try to improvise yourself. Ofcourse, the first lead too makes a huge impact and more so if its on a trainee. The team functioning as a family. We didnt have the facilities as we currently have now. We didnt have a vending machine, no month end bashes. I guess that was the reason why we socialized more than now. Each of us sponsoring for Samosas, sharing lunch and we even had Pot Luck. I sound like an old hag reminiscing about the "good ole times".

Coming to my team, we had team meetings (Weekly or Fortnightly). This is one method that works and time tested too. You get to interact with everyone. Share Ideas. Encourage the bonding among everyone. In short you function as a one. Miss those.

Changes got new people, new methods and a whole lot of new facilities.

Every thing has its downsides too. Unnecessary politics among others leave a bad taste. Hopefully am leaving on a positive note.

Sincerely wish its coffers increase manifold. :D


Unknown said...

Hope Effigent gets back that glory.