Shopping in Charminar


Wear heavy or expensive jewelery
Carry fancy cell phones
Venture in Late nights
Absolutely No Driving

Its the best place where you can pick good stuff at really low prices. Some places that I frequent are Mungalal for the clothes. Pretty good party wear.

Never a shopping expedition to Charminar is complete without the yummy Jelebis, the colorful Bangles. Some of the best and beautiful Bangles are sold here. Since, there are a number of shops selling bangles you can bargain and get the price down.

Ofcourse, most people have qualms buying stuff in these places. The color might run and theres no guarantee on anything.

n Driving in Charminar. I attempted it last Sunday. And, guess that qualifies me as a v.gud driver.:P
Venturing into Charminar, without an idea on the way is a bad decision. The numerous gateways confuse. You are at loggerheads which way you should head for. Best way is to remember some eateries , sweet shops. Better still, get a good place to Park your vehicle and walk.

And the Best way is by Bus.

Wonder why the authorities dont make this place vehicle free. It was really appaling to see Charminar against such a backdrop. Shops, poeple milling around with the chaotic traffic. Actually you cant even appreciate the beauty of Charminar in the noise. Thankfully, there is some barricade around the structure. Or else there would ve been some shops inside the minars too!!!

Since its a monument, hope the concerned officials make the entire area vehicle free or else have the same system as in London. Any vehicle to pass through Charminar should pay some amount. Makes Sense!!!